
AIS’s Cross Domain Virtualization Solutions Group Again Appraised at CMMI Maturity Level 3

Members of the CDVS Group celebrate their level 3 appraisal by the CMMI Institute.

Assured Information Security is pleased to announce its Cross Domain Virtualization Solutions (CDVS) Group, in partnership with Broadsword Solutions, has been appraised once again at level 3 by the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) Institute. CMMI is a process improvement approach that provides organizations with the essential elements of effective processes that ultimately improve their performance.

This achievement is a result of the hard work of AIS’s CDVS Group, which houses the SecureView™ Team, as well as its strategic partnership with Broadsword Solutions, a leader in performance innovation and process improvement. Broadsword provided integrated agileCMMI workshops, coaching and consulting solutions to help AIS achieve its capability goals. agileCMMI uses methods such as incremental delivery, continuous build and collaboration, applying the same techniques used when writing software to deploy process and help engineers embrace process.

This appraisal indicates that CDVS’s processes are well characterized and understood, and that the team is dedicated to continuous performance improvement and is producing the highest quality of products and services.

“I want to thank the team for their dedication that has led to this achievement again in 2022,” said Charles Green, Chief Executive Officer at AIS. “This appraisal exemplifies our effort to continuously improve our processes so that we can provide our customers with cost savings along with reliable and consistent delivery.”

SecureView™ is trademarked by the United States Air Force.

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